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How to download games faster pc

How to download games faster pc
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2/01/ · 1/01/ · faster internets/lan connections, or. ssd if its not limited by the download speed. router with gigabit and wireless n. nic with gigabit port. avoid wireless whenever possible. running a cat5e-6 cable is cheap. ft cat5e-6 cable around $20, or 26/04/ · please like n subscribeAuthor: SYED MIRAN 19/03/ · You can also use the Task Manager to assure maximum download speed on Steam. Make sure Steam is running and then open Task Manager. Find the Steam Client on the list of processes, right-click it, Author: Jessie Richardson

how to download games faster pc

How to download games faster pc

Jessie Richardson Read more July 17, Steam is still one of the most popular gaming platforms on PC, with millions of active users. The app offers a massive number of games which can be purchased at affordable prices and played instantly. Well, how to download games faster pc, not really instantly. First, you need to download your game, which can be difficult at times. Modern games are becoming larger every year because of all the graphics and customization improvements.

AAA titles can take up to GB of space, how to download games faster pc, which is enormous compared to game sizes from just 5 years ago. Downloads take a lot longer than they used to, primarily because of the larger file sizes, but your download speed also plays a significant role. This problem is usually not due to your bandwidth connection but rather due to in-app issues or even your computer. Go through all of them and you will surely see some improvement. Note: Windows 10 does not save the setting after shutting down.

Did you know that Steam uses your location for downloads? Your download speed will be affected by the region you are in, but Steam can sometimes detect the wrong region. For optimal results, you should always select your region or one closest to you. Note that sometimes the region closest to you is not the most suitable option. This scenario is due to high traffic in that region, so selecting a different how to download games faster pc can sometimes actually increase your download speed, even if it is further away.

Sometimes your firewall or antivirus programs interfere with your download speeds. Try to disable each of them to see if there is any change. Check out the manual or website of your antivirus provider to see how to disable it. Not everyone can afford the best internet connection speeds, but at least you can optimize it to its full potential.

First of all, try to use an Ethernet connection when downloading anything, including games on Steam. Wi-Fi does not always provide optimal download speeds. Ensure your LAN drivers are up to date to reap the full benefits of this type of connection. Many programs can easily update all your how to download games faster pc, but most of them are expensive. SlimDrivers comes in both free and premium versions, which are suitable for downloading all the latest drivers.

In closing, slow internet speeds are one of the most frustrating things in modern society. Hopefully, this will help you download your games faster, just in time for the next big Steam sale.

Did any of these suggestions help? Do you know of any more tricks? Feel free to share them with the community in the comments below. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Disclaimer: Some pages on this site may include an affiliate link.

This does not effect our editorial in any way. Please enable JavaScript to submit this form. Home Gaming Social Steam. How To Speed Up Steam Downloads Jessie Richardson Read more July 17, August 10, at am.

Snipersavage21 says:. July 10, at pm. Thank you this actually worked, now How to download games faster pc dont have to wait a day to play apex with my friends! Brecken says:.

July 6, at pm. i was only getting like 9. ThunderHawk says:. May 29, at pm. I am installing cms in the middle of Australia and my download speed is never higher than 1. please can I have some help. Steve Larner says:. May 30, at pm, how to download games faster pc. Your data bars signal strength are not the determining factor for your download speeds.

The provider is. The provider controls bandwidth speeds using automated technology. David C says:. October 6, at am. Unchecked it and jumped from Ankit Suhane says:. June 26, at am. Disabling Firewall really worked and boosted my download speed.

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How to download games faster pc

how to download games faster pc

26/04/ · please like n subscribeAuthor: SYED MIRAN 19/03/ · You can also use the Task Manager to assure maximum download speed on Steam. Make sure Steam is running and then open Task Manager. Find the Steam Client on the list of processes, right-click it, Author: Jessie Richardson 2/01/ · 1/01/ · faster internets/lan connections, or. ssd if its not limited by the download speed. router with gigabit and wireless n. nic with gigabit port. avoid wireless whenever possible. running a cat5e-6 cable is cheap. ft cat5e-6 cable around $20, or

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